Pakistani scholar ordered home from Australian tour after anti-Semitic video emerges

Go back up. You were supporting killing all of the Jews who were Zionist which you said was 3/4.

Quote me. I never said to kill them anywhere.

So now you are a Zionist?

No. I don't say there must be a state just for Jews, which is the hidden message in Zionism.

Jews should a home ≠ Zionism.

Dhimmi laws. The notion that True Believers have special rights because they have the True religion.

Examples please.

Great model.

A two-state model will never work. Though I'm still very pessimistic a Lebanon-like state will ever exist for the whole of the Israel/Palestine.

Come on. The message now is to deny Jews have any connection. Next will be denying that Jews belong in Jerusalem.

Absolutely not! The Temple Mount is definitely a the most important site in Judaism, but there needs to the Jewish Temple there for it to be ultimately Jewish. Give Jews access. Someone will want to have a building for worship inside Temple Mount. Someone will want to expand that synagogue (?). Others will want to demolish the Mosque there and have a full-fledged Temple. This will never be a feasible peaceful solution. The status-quo of Muslims having access inside and Jews having access everywhere else is sustainable. Ordinary Jews shouldn't be inside the Temple Mount anyway under Judaism because of accidentally stepping over the Holy of Holies.

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