Papyrus formlists are annoyingly inconsistent

Could maintain an Int array of IDs to check with, which would take these concerns out of the equation. You can do a reverse of this here as well to find the raw ref. Either or. Here is how to get those IDs. Old Post now I guess so just dropping this here in case it gives you help or ideas

Int Function FetchID(Form Core,Formlist ToScan)
 Bool Workable = Core as Bool && ToScan as Bool
 Int Total = Workable as Int * ToScan.GetSize()
 Bool Done = !Total as Bool
 If !Done
     Form[] Sweep = ToScan.ToArray()
     Int Kind = 61 + (Core.GetType() == 43) as Int
     Int Digit
     While !Done && Digit < Total
         Done = Sweep[Digit] as Bool && Sweep[Digit].GetType() == Kind && (Sweep[Digit] as ObjectReference).GetBaseObject() == Core
         If Done
             Return Sweep[Digit].GetFormID()
         Digit += 1
 Return 0
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