Pay me more vs I have an offer for more

How come?

I couldn't leave then because I was on a visa of sorts - Canadian, no sponsorship, no fees from the company, but I was tied to them. I got a massive "raise" when I told HR I got my green card.

By then, I was working from home with an infant. Daycares were booked. Them letting me just proceed as usual was a HUGE help. So there's that.

But I like my job, and I feel like I've now repaid the goodwill they offered by accepting this lower wage (don't get me wrong, it's not that low, it's just lower than market value and lower than others in the same cohort as me - but far from poverty level). I'd like to stay here. I'd like them to pay me what they pay everyone else. I'd like to at least ask before I go nuclear.

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