Is r/canada a far right sub? Or is that description an act of bigotry? Things get spicy in r/toronto! "Don't pretend to be a fucking centrist." / "Your posts are nuts."

Not Canadian so bear with me if I am ignorant, but from the perspective of an American liberal, Trudeau seems pretty decent. Like, I know from Reddit that he hasn't lived up to some of his promises and has let oil pipelines through which I seriously disagree with, but he seems like a genuine person with good ideas and goals. Obama was the same way, more or less, as was Hillary, and I learned the hard way that American voters don't like that in leaders. The left doesn't like them because they aren't perfect, and the right hates them because whateverthefuck bullshit they've heard from FOX or worse.

So, basically, best of luck to you, Canada. I'm really rooting for you, if only so I can keep jumping the northern border in my pocket as a plan if shit gets even worse down here somehow.

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