Pedro Pascal is such a loud ally ♥️

Idk I feel like this would be sort of a weird way to come out, like using these lyrics from a political song to mean “the answer” to questions about his sexuality. I think it’s more so a political statement. I’m not saying he’s not queer, he very well could be, I’m just not sure that his intent was to make that statement (hate speculating on people’s personal lives but I’ve sort of assumed he was bi/pan/unlabeled since it seems like he has hinted at that before—but again not really my thing to say, and I’m sorry that I did). And if it is his way of coming out, more power to him!

Either way trans people and queer people in general can certainly use all of the support they can get right now, as their rights are under attack nonstop these days. Just the other day a conservative called for eradicating trans people. Hopefully the message doesn’t get lost in the “is he gay?” speculation.

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