Don't Worry Darling: The official MEGATHREAD about the most scandalous movie of the year.

It sounds like you're talking about different comments than I'm referencing here. My comment says we should critique people, and it also says there is inherent sexism in "some" comments.

There are also comments that wreak of sexism. And I didn't create a false equivalence just because my comment mentions those who are in fact siding with Shia Labeouf, as well as those who are being extremely harsh without facts, as well as those offering fair critiques.

My comment is referencing unfair sexism and comments that have that variety. I'm here having fun at gossip, too, and I'm still also annoyed at people whose anger is a little bit intense for a lot of unconfirmed gossip about a woman. A lot of dualities at play here, including sexism, which is why I commented this.

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