Does anyone follows this lady? Why all her 'motherly' posts so raunchy and exposing

I commented once on an IG post of hers when she was pregnant 3 or 4 times ago and I was banned. I said something to the effect of-“A woman’s body is simply not meant to endure a baby a year. When you miscarry (which IS sad and unfortunate), it is natures way of telling you that your body wasn’t ready to sustain that life for the 40 weeks necessary to properly and hopefully form a healthy human”. I said that and within 10 minutes I was banned.

She is disgusting. She is a fraud. How can you possibly be an attentive and loving mother to so many children AND still make time to make sure you are impregnated once a year by Alec? Seriously….one kid would have gotten it done. She would have had her forever check. This woman is sick. Honestly. She needs to be evaluated. There is no way that any of the things that she does, the way that she represents herself or her serious breeding fetish is mentally healthy for her or for those children.

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