The Pentagon spends more on war than all 50 states combined spend on health, education, welfare, and safety .The USA spends more money on its military than the next eight nations combined.with 200,000 troops stationed in over 144 countries (2015)

No you idiot, they are absolutely being paid off my taxes

No you amoebic Philistine troglodyte, they aren't. You're talking about people who invest in technologies that are eventually adopted by the military. That has jack shit to do with you and your taxes.

People don't fucking "invest" in the pentagon moron

Not too bright, are ya kid? No one said that now did they?

You said nothing,

Again - translates into "I don't get it."

you obviously have no idea how the military industrial complex is funded either, but you seem to want to talk about it as if you do.

I invest and gamble and bank off it every day my friend. I invest in the technologies that your dreaded military industrial complex is poised to adopt because I know, when the military adopts, a few years later it's going to be YOU using it on a daily basis, while you're still sitting there going, "Goddamn evil military industrial complex!"

Plenty of innovation has come from outside the military - namely the space program which you seem to hate so much.

Ah - yes. Point out that more money is invested toward the space program than our oceans - as nothing more than a simple way to show the emergence of underwater autonomous drone technology, and that means I "hate space". Damn, you're a smart motherfucker.

NASA is very much a part of the military, albeit not officially "on paper". It played a gigantic part in the cold war and post-WWII military operations.

We've also had plenty of innovation in the medical industry, which has nothing to do with the military.

The medical industry has nothing to do with the military? Seriously?! You need to get you some learnin' kid.

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