Pentesters, what web vulnerability scanner do you use?

You kinda don't understand the arguments most people here a making, and now you're trying to insult me. It looks like you don't like CTF. You mentioned CTF already 3 times. It looks like you don't like them. It's just confirms my assumption, that intellectual work is not for you. You tell everyone who is trying to do a quality job, that they are playing CTF. You don't even see the point after some people reworded it for you 3 times. It's not about superiority complex, if you still didn't get it. Burp and ZAP just provide a better results even as automated scanners. Dot. Nothing else.

Nmap and Nessus will give your MS017-010. Burp and ZAP will give you a better result in regards to XSS. Especially when you're testing manually with these tools, and all fuzzing caused by your actions is running in the background.

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