Do people want to be convinced that FI/RE is impossible?

I didn't get a smartphone until about four years ago, and arguably I needed it for work (but somehow got by without it). Before then I had a cheap Samsung dumb cell phone. I have friends who still use them - surprisingly they work pretty well and have a very long battery life.

I obviously need the laptop because I'm a freelancer.

Obvio... oh wait, you didn't mention that. At all.

You know you sound just like a Boomer?

Sorry if I triggered you? You know people handled having chronic health conditions before iPhones, right? You sound "just like" a Millennial. If you need those things for work, buy them. How the hell was I supposed to know that you needed a laptop for your freelance work if you didn't say that? You are complaining about not being able to afford a £300,000 house - you know, neither can I? I live in an apartment and have a long commute, because I want to save money and it's considerably less expensive than living close to work. I manage. So do others. You have to make your choices.

Frankly if this is what is so terrible about your life, you have it pretty good, and I'll stop there.

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