People talking about meta builds “current end game” and switching classes based off power is sad for me to see.

Re read the post I rewrote it because the last one was badly worded and didn’t really get across what I was trying to say well it was way too negative.

I’m less complaining about grinding more about the result of it which is going to be complaints. I just wanted to make this to let the people know that if they are doing this not to come back and complain and so that when it happens I can tell them well you saw this and decided to do it anyways and now exactly what I said is happening.

I love the game and the demo I leveled every class up to level 7 but that was it. Like I said in the original and rewritten post I get people grinding I just don’t want them coming back and complaining if they feel like the game is too easy because it was their choice to spend 100 hours in the demo instead of the actual game.

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