Deeply Sorry

Focus on generating hype/design/marketing, instead of a solid product.

hype is coming from the players mostly, companies merely do advertise/ market their products.

By now people should know that advertisements/ marketing is a tool used everywhere.

Generally, in other areas, people know how ads/ marketing works and e.g. not believe that using a special bran of body spray will make you a chick magnet or that the burger you buy in your favorite fast food temple will not like anywhere like on the menu display or that smoking a certain brand of cigarettes will not make you make "cool".

But in games, people for some reason fall for the trap every single time and to make it worse, hype stuff through the roof on top of that themselves.

I mean, just look at cyberpunk, the subreddit was filled with complaints about stuff lacking no one ever even mentioned or promised the existence off even at any point.

Make quick money

While spending "quick money" as well. Companies basically spend years paying money in order to make those games in the first place.

It could also just be bugs that didn't show up in tests and only become visible through the big amount of players. which is why games nowadays should allow alpha tests

you still need a big amount of players to potentially find everything and alpha testing will not help at all when patches then introduce new issues.

It's also worth noting that games get more and more complex every year.

There is a difference between a game that was a couple lines of code back then on the C64 and a game like Outriders that is supposed to work on multiple different platforms while having a lot more features.

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