This person posts this type of idiocy constantly.

Yeah, I understand where it comes from. He read some honest criticism as PCR is not suitable for testing viruses and other scientific debates, the he does not understand anything of what he reads and spins this moronic conclusions all around. I constantly battle these arguments, with people with higher scientific education than myself on hard sciences and they miss the points too because medice is not an hard science but a nuance of best practice and scientific methods. This dude is completely unable to comprehend the uncertainty of science and translates it in absolutes. Like mask works, Covid19 PCR virus is reliable, the counts are a representative picture of the state of a pandemic and other scientific non sense. Where the truth is we don't know how the hell to deal with these and have the majority of scientist steer us on the right direction hoping the minority in the science community is not right and the majority is indeed.

/r/Moronavirus Thread Link -