Plankc Shipping ETA

I think it depends on what your ordered.

3 months ago I ordered a Hi-Pro top plate, PCB and EOTW bottom plate. I decided 3 months was too long and wayyy off from the 2 week waiting time, and cancelled it.

Meanwhile, a guy on Discord ordered an all EOTW one like a month or two after me and he recieved it like 3 weeks after he ordered and brought it to a meetup.

I asked him ans he said OLKB was probably trying to ship out what they can first, and my Hi-Pro plate was probably why I had to wait 3 months for nothing.

So yeah. You shouldn't have any problems. Shouldn't.

And yes you don't need soldering knowledge to build a rev 6. But if it arrives defective like with a broken USB port or hot swap sockets that need reflowing, then yeah you need some.

/r/olkb Thread