Struggling in class

Theres you tube videos on better note taking and organizing. Heres a trick i use its hard to explain but here goes,first remember that you can do anything you want with information wen iys in your mind. Ill explain why it works after i show you the method first First of course is mnemonic which can be used in case you can use a sound as a queue it might be mispronunciation or even a root word. Example furosemide is a diuretic and typical base dose is 40 mg. To remember this i say 4-0-semide. The next way is to hide the answer in the question. So lets imagine a question about the signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia. So we write out the word on a card, and list as much information as we can in the word itself. I figured this out as I was trying to find ways to cheat on a history without actually cheating, ex who is the famous ruler of mongolia.the g would go down as genghis and the o would becomes part of a date or something and it worked redicously well.

This is the crossword method btw. This is way to map information By hiding the info in a word,I taught this to a nursing student and the whole class used it for med cards why this works. You use different parts of your brain using this technique,you are consistantly reinforcing the information when doing this,your brain loves games and puzzles,your brain is really good with association remember this is for you so you can exchange numbers and letters and symbols. But dont get too cryptic but you can misspell words or what ever you would like because these notes are yours. Hope this helps,good luck and relax. Hypo means low BlurrY vision Poor respiratory drive O2 saturations will drop Oral Glucose can be administered by mouth l i
Anxiety a
C onfusion. Pallor/pale Not very alErt h / M o V I Emesis A Shakes I Slurring

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