-Platform womens sports less -invest less in training and games -bully women for wanting to make even slightly as much money as men for playing the same sport.

The subject of pay in women's sports is actually a rather complex issue that I'm not sure there's any simple fix for.

It's easy to say that women paying the exact same sport as men deserve the exact same pay. They are doing the exact same job after all. And they should be getting the same pay. But there are other factors as well.

Sports teams in major league sports make their money through ticket sales and merchandising. Players get through this money, commensurate with their supposed value to the team, along with any sponsorships they can manage to get. All of this money is from popularity of both the team and individual player. In leagues without a salary cap there are teams that have almost no chance of winning it all at the end of the year simply because they don't have enough money to secure enough good players as compared to other teams. There's an entire movie based around the premise of a team's manager trying to find his way around that hurdle (Moneyball).

Women's sports just don't pull in the same numbers as men's sports do. I know a few channels have tried to show more women's sports but they always eventually stop because the ratings suck. This leads to a chicken and egg problem, as networks don't show women's sports due to low popularity, which means there's no interest in women's sports so they are not able to gain in popularity.

There's also, of course, the possibility that even with more exposure on networks that women's sports 0i0.

Without general popularity, there's no real opportunity for either a lot of ticket sales or merchandising, which leads to a smaller salary pool.

/r/FragileMaleRedditor Thread Link - i.imgur.com