PlayStation 5 Pre-order Megathread October Edition

I got it last Saturday manually after three days of attempts on desktop. I got it to the saved for later step by timing the clicks to ensure the popup window appeared every time I clicked the button - the small message that appears above the “Preorder” button doesn’t appear to trigger the same series of events to hit the server and add it to the cart. From there I used to app and used Apple Pay to skip a lot of the other steps. The first Apple Pay I attempted was flagged for fraud by my CC company but the second went through.

Another thing I learned on the Xbox sub is that clicking the added protection checkbox seems to help (might be a luck thing as well - I tried it last night and got an Xbox Series S preorder first try though).

With all the scripts running now, I’m sure it’s more competitive but hope this helps some. Best of luck to everyone.

/r/PS5 Thread Parent