Please Audit my Strategy

I'm considering a similar plan, but without the 1% loans.

Remember that you pay 1% for the loan plus 4x the earn rate of the collateral you lock up (25% LTV). With stablecoins at 10% it's more like a 41% loan when you factor in the opportunity cost.

This is why 1% loans sound great on paper but are a really good moneymaker for Celsius. I'm sure there are times when they make sense, particularly on the short term, but the math doesn't add up in a lot of cases. But hey, if you want to do it, I'll be happy - more yield for me!

I'd focus on paying down the LoC on a month to month basis, until there's enough room on it to re-up the stablecoin holdings. That way you can save on gas fees by only making that move a couple times a year at most.

/r/CelsiusNetwork Thread