Please excuse the lack of make up but HOW do I make her less wiggy?

I think once the style relaxes a bit it will lay more naturally. You can always take out a weft or a few to reduce the overall thickness as long as they are spaced apart from each other and taking them out doesn't expose the wig construction. With most wigs you can usually safely remove at least a few without compromising the look and a thinner wig usually looks and feels more natural.

It looks like you intentionally left out some of your hairline which can work out, but I think maybe you have to be more intentional with it. Use a rattail comb and decide what is out and what is under the wig. It's ok if your hair is a little lighter but you can use a light application of a darker eyeshadow where needed to fill in your hairline so it blends. You can also use translucent finishing powder or foundation powder or eyeshadow powder that is lighter than your face on the wig part to soften up the look of knots and make it look more like scalp.

If you use a hot comb or any other hot tools and it is not heat resistant synthetic just make sure the temperature can go to about 220F or lower.

I think this looks good for what I am assuming is an inexpensive wig. It's just new looking and kind of needs broken in.

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