Poll for your opinions?!?!? (Please do this ;_; I beg of you)

Hello! My name is Ryan, I'm commenting on behalf of CPT! We are not trying to trade you anything and we are only interested in your opinions today! May I speak with a redditor whom is at least semi-active and has a minimum of 20 comment karma?

Oh, that would be you? Perfect! May we begin?

Alright, well this first set of questions will be based on your experience so far with CPT! I am going to list some categories for you and if you would be so kind, please mark them on a scale of 1 to 5. With this scale 1 will mean "I strongly disagree" and 5 will mean "I strongly agree." You may also use any number in between based on your opinion.

Ready to start?

  1. CPT is a place that makes me feel comfortable!
  2. CPT has a wonderful community that never ceases to surprise me!
  3. CPT is a place I would feel trustworthy showcasing my most valued pokemon!

Okay now I am going to ask you about some of the users here!
Using the same scale where scale 1 means "I strongly disagree" and 5 means "I strongly agree." Once again you may also use any number in between based on your opinion.

  1. In your opinion, how likely are you to trust a user one CPT that you JUST met?
  2. In your opinion, how likely are you to trade with a user you have NEVER interacted with before?
  3. In your opinion, how likely are you to trade with someone you have never interacted with before in the next two days?

Okay! That will conclude our interview today! Thank you so much for you time, CPT is committed to excellent service and sincerely appreciates your answers! In case a mod wants to PM you to verify my survey my username is /u/ReignofShades ! May I have your username just for our records?

Now, may we contact you for additional research or to further explore your opinions and comment about Casual Pokemon Trades?

Thank you again for your time! Have a wonderful evening! Goodbye!

(That's about what my job constitutes of. Albeit most surveys are 60-100 questions long though and can take up to 30 minutes to complete.)

/r/CasualPokemonTrades Thread