Portland activists try to force November vote on $18 minimum wage

Why now? Could it possibly be due to the Mayoral election in 2023? Could these well-intentioned referenda possibly be weaponized by a Strimling 2023 campaign, to claim that he is the most progressive candidate, regardless of whether the referenda pass or not?

There's no cost to him for supporting whatever is in these things - he's not the one who has any responsibility to govern right now. Mayor Snyder and every councilor will have to take public positions on this... if anyone demurs even a little, Ethan will claim he's the most progressive leader around. Biel/Progressive Portland will put out scorecards that show - oh gee, look at that! - that Ethan is the most progressive candidate.

I have no doubt that the DSA folks truly support these things. Hell, I probably support many of the things inside these referenda myself! But it makes me queasy that Ethan is leading this charge, because ultimately he will ultimately use this - whether it succeeds or not - to benefit himself and his political ambitions.

/r/portlandme Thread Parent Link - bangordailynews.com