ELI5: Why do Jewish people have such a bad rep?

I'm anti-Jewish, but I'm going to try to answer your question on what anti-Jews think: 1-USURY, usury is extremely bad, it ruin individuals and it ruins countries and it ruin economies 2-greedy misleading financial services and insurance 3-control of media, movies, news, TV, magazines 4-control of education system 5-control of government 6-Ocuppying Palestine 7-KILLING the career of any politician or celebrity who criticizes Israel, zionisom, masonry, Judaism . 8-control of law making, policy making, and control of judicial system at all sides (judges, lawyers, congressmen..etc) 9-toooooo much probangda and misinformation to make the majority to support israel, feel sorry for the Jews ....etc 10- extremely secretive religion, and they don't invite you to join, the religion kind of racist, some can say Jews are a race not a religion , and they think they are "chosen" and better than you ..etc 11-spread of porn, bad ethics, misinformation, atheism, bad values in media and policy making among non-Jews 12-creation of secret orders and creep fraternities and elite clubs ...and much more ...here are some RARE links that explains anti-Jews opinion "point of view" (that i maybe disagree with) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T62GyG4FAys


http://www.freewebs.com/merahza/przion2.PROTOCOL.pdf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fRN5TJi8_Q#t=15 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQBPWv11izc&hc_location=ufi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okPnDZ1Txlo http://www.hermetics.org/pdf/masonry/Albert_Pike_-_Morals_and_Dogma.pdf http://vho.org/aaargh/fran/livres4/NFHolindustry.pdf http://www.radioislam.org/ford/TheInternationalJew.pdf http://www.freemasonrywatch.org/index.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkjFpvFTc4I http://www.stopdebezetting.com/documents/pdf/090713Hasbara%20handboek_tip_report.pdf?hc_location=ufi http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/israelgaza-conflict-the-secret-report-that-helps-israelis-to-hide-facts-9630765.html?hc_location=ufi http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/israels-propaganda-machine-is-finally-starting-to-misfire-9636417.html

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