Post Drama Live Discussion


Why would it have NOTHING to do with lea? Are you feeling alright? Soda said if it was about him, he wouldn't say anything but since it's about his GF he feels as though he has to defend her (he mentioned that outside of his family, he is tight with NMP/LEA). Soda said don't talk about LEA for a reason, of course she plays a vital role in this.

Mitch does not like Lea for legit reasons. He likes Chance. He said something about her, as a joke when he was drunk ONCE WOWWW. Why is that a big issue? He admitted he made an accident, big fucking deal. It's sodas fault for dating a known slut, who he should be talking to because she gives the likes of Mitch ammo to say shit like that about her. I've seen Mitch ignore the luck fea spam many times and never bite the bait.

It doesn't help that Mitch is an idiot who doesn't know how to defend himself properly and the fact that chance is so up his own ass that he can't see how bad his GFs actions make him or her look.

You say Mitchs stream is cancerous, but why do we come on twitch? For entertainment, mitch provides this in abundance and chance will back you up on that. Why the fuck would I watch chance play some random game that he's absolutely shit at and the fact that he's just monotone and just sits and doesn't do anything apart from narrate whats going on in a game which 99% of people will never play or give a shit about? This has been his stream for roughly 2 years.

Chance needs to sort his own girl out before calling out others. If Lea doesn't act like a cam whore and mitch still continues to say shit then he should have said something but as long as lea acts the way she does, he needs thicker skin and to also grow a pair and have a proper talk with her.

/r/sodapoppin Thread Parent