Posting here cause this all initially started on Depop… but am I the only one who thinks this sellers response was unwarranted?

I cant really show you the messages i sent cause i get met with a 404 error when i try to open them (cause she blocked me of course), but the first messaged i asked “Hello, i have some questions about this listing? Thank you”, second message was “Hello, just sending a follow message about the listing”, third message was “hello, i have some questions about the shoes, please get back to me when you can”, and after another full day has passed no response from that either. The message to her on instagram was to let her know that i sent her a question on depop about the shoes.

She initially responded kindly to my question on her poshmark post when i asked if it was her that had the other listing on depop, which tells me that she is active on there so idk why she didnt get back to my messages. Then i asked about the price differences, which i just asked casually cause i was just curious, then i was met with that what followed after. My commenting on her poshmark post happened today, my previous inquiries happened days before.

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