Potato Malfunction

Ethnicity (IE: RACE) is NOT based on genetics. It is based on where you live, the culture, the environment. Your comment here is as facepalm worthy as the image. Genetic traits don't give a fuck if you're born in asia, in africa, in europe, or in the americas. Genes are passed by parents. Ethnicity itself is not. Besides trying to break up the human species into sub-races has proven multiple time to be WRONG and more importantly has lead to massive atrocities to be committed in the name or "racial purity", and no, I'm not just talking about the holocaust. There were other occurrences where racial genocide was attempted even further in the past.

It's fucking 2017 people need to stop thinking that Asians, Arabs, Africans, Caucasians, etc are separate races. We instead need to look at each other as under ONE race (the Human Race) and stop trying to look at other ethnicity's as being somehow inferior or genetically different when they are not. One to Two thousand years from now people are going to look back on our history and wonder what the fuck was wrong with society because we can't even cooperate with our own fucking species without trying to consider them a separate race just because of appearances. It's both sad and pathetic.

/r/facepalm Thread Parent Link - imgur.com