What would this even accomplish?

You have no clue what you are talking about, it's actually painful. What I know about child psychology is what I remember from my childhood. I actually identify as both male and female, but it's a decision I had to slowly identify with over a long time. It would have ruined my life though if my parents had decided to inject me with hormones if I had spoken of me feeling like a woman to them. That's what I have an issue with. If you truly identify as the opposite sex it's alright, but let maturity sort out the real cases of gender dysphoria before you take to hormones or operations.

I think you know less about morals than I do. I can be a jerk sometimes but it's because I'm hurting myself and it can spill but I always find my way to love. I have zero interest or intention to hurt anyone, I live and let live. If I disagree with you, it doesn't mean I want to hurt you. Did you even try to have a conversation with me before you decided I was who ever you think I am? You have no fcking idea how insulting and dumb your comment is to me you silly excuse of a human.

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