The Power of Programming

I love the endless learning! I love getting the exposure to it! I love that feeling of solving a bug! It's very very cool and rewarding!

Yes! I'm so happy when people feel passionate about programming. Challenging yourself is what really get's you going. There are a lot of things to learn and perfect. It's endless and it's beautiful.

I always try to remember the thrill I get out of doing a project correctly. It feels amazing and it keeps me going. Even when things get hard. And it will be hard untill you learn how programming languages work and how you can use your problem solving skills to create. I always have to remind myself making mistakes is absolutely normal, especially when you are working on something that isn't familiar to you. Each mistake you make brings you closer to being a good programmer as lolng as you are willing to dwell over it and learn from it. At first I was sad about not being perfect to what I do but now beside wanting to throw my pc out of the window, I also feel better with each mistake.

My mom also is very proud of me- even though she doesn't understand what I'm doing - and sometimes I'll try to get her into programming or try to explain what I'm doing to her and she'll just look at me nodding her head. Once I'm done she'll just say she didn't understand much but that she likes listening to me talk about something I like a lot. Moms are the best!

Problem solving is what originally got me into cs. As long as you are willing to make sacrifices it's going to get better. After going through hell of course. At times it's going to be shit.

I'd also recommend taking classes on logic (propositional and predicate). I see a lot of similarities and it has helped a lot. Programming isn't only about syntax. Not everyone can be a programmer. It's a mixture of understanding your computer's different architectures (You don't really need to go too deep into it to be a good programmer), having very good problem solving skills and also being able to sit in front of a computer untill you finish what you started (Not that it'll happen in a day but it's good to push through and not give up).

/r/learnprogramming Thread