She prefers to be petted to eat

My border collie was a super picky eater. I mean I had to do EVERYTHING to get him to eat his pet food. We tried different brands, different flavors, we made sure to stay on a consistent schedule, with the recommendation of our vet fed him 1 time a day, gave him more exercise and plays a we tried mixing it with peanut butter, apple sauce, mayo, eggs, pretty much anything my dog would like. We would mix treats and things like that and he would pick the treats out one by one and ate those. He would go days refusing to eat, we finally tried a semi-wet food called FreshPet, not sure if it’s available in your area. It’s a little more expensive than what we are spending a month on food, but now he literally begs for his food, he has never been more excited to eat. It is worth EVERY penny.

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