President Eden May Not Have Had Such Bad Ideas *SPOILERS*

I may be fucked up in the head but eden does have some points, I will admit he was a bit extreme. But i didn't agree with colonel autumn because while I do wish for humanity to be saved and progress I don't want it under his or the enclave's control. I wouldn't do it if it was under Eden's control either. But he dies and so does Autumn when you kill him meaning there is no psychopath computer or a colonel who wants to control all of the capital wasteland. This is a matter of preference, I admit but I think that while it may seem cruel and "unnecessary", and that humanity will just eventually heal from it's wounds it would have a massive set back. And this doesn't even mean that they would be forced to just die and can't do anything. Tenpenny tower is not connect to the Jefferson memorial and isn't irradiated meaning they have fresh clean water and if they are mutated and/or irradiated which i doubt since they have such a hate for ghouls they would not even risk to be mutated or irradiated and become one but they also have incredible amounts of wealth and medical supplies. Eden is hitler and an awful computer, but his creation is the true savior of humanity! Just passionate in what i believe in, no matter the costs.

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