President of GMU emails us saying there's no place for racism

Just throwing this out there -

Notice how a lot of the people retweeting these have GMU19 in their profiles, implying they are Freshmen. That says a lot, lets stop and think about that for a moment folks. How would these people know that racism at GMU was a trend or the norm if they have only been there for 2 and a half months ? You can't assume or judge the school for being "discriminatory" based on the opinion of freshmen who have been there for not even a full semester.

Also, what I am about to say might actually sound racist to some of you more PC types, but a lot of these African American folks tweeting this stuff seem to be at least fairly well off based on their very stylish, classy clothing and they have photos from when they were in high school that suggest to me they attended fairly good higher end schools prior to college.

Looking at the facts, it would seem to me most of the people following and latching on to this movement are privileged African American freshmen students who probably don't have enough exposure to Mason or to the real world in general for that matter to make an accurate determination on whether the school is "institutionally discriminatory" as they say. They are probably just having a hard time adjusting from not having their parents there to support them and cater to their every need, and as a result of being victimized and taught they are oppressed in school, they are attributing their lack of personal adult responsibility and issues adjusting to the system or institution, which they claim is discriminatory. That is all this is folks, they are using it as a scapegoat for their own problems and are looking for every chance they can get to prove their flawed theory that society and institutions like Mason are out to get them because they are African American.

The University shouldn't even pay attention to this or dignify these people's misplaced gripes or else they will destroy this institution and ruin the careers of innocent administrators or even faculty members.

/r/gmu Thread