Pretty much all subreddits are unfriendly towards artists trying to promote their own music. Do you have any methods for trying to get your music out there?

Here, you guys want some more. A couple lovely ailments I'm constantly dealing with. A couple years ago this tingling started in my left shoulder blade by my spinal cord. If i'm sitting at this chair and not up against the back, it's this constant tingling. If i'm eating and use the left hand on the mouse, it fuckin tingles bad. Only way to calm it down is to sit against the back of the chair. This shit has gone on for a couple years and it's doing it a lot more than just when i'm using that mouse while eating. It's a fuckin hassle. I don't know what it is.

How about from doing shoulder checks while driving.. oh been driving for jobs since 2002. Well oh over a year probably in the neck if i tilt my head to the right side, the ringing in my left ear gets louder. It's tinnitus I guess. Doesn't ring all the time but if that neck gets a bit sore it can get going. And if I tilt that head to the right shoulder the tone gets louder.

I used sound forge to get the exact frequency of the noise. That was kinda weird because you'd hear it in your ears and in your fucking head. So bang exact frequency. 8444Hz. It comes and goes though not going on all the time like that fucking tingling shoulder blade. Like right now it's kinda healed up but sometimes i'll get it ringing. Here's what it sounds like.

tinnitus frequency I hear is exactly 8444 Hz

Listening to that just now, it's fucking annoying. Imagine that going on in your left ear as you move your head around stretching that neck muscle, it gets louder.

So lotsa fun, ya got those 2 things. Ya got the aids severity type cold for the past 5 months. The right arm that was out of commission for a month. That's just starting to get back to normal. The back, that's doing ok now but if i stress it can get that pinched nerve going and holy fuck that makes you hit the ground. The teeth with those fillings in the top two wisdom teeth. If you bite down too hard can get a pressure jolt which lasts for a few days and it's sore. Nice eh? How about, after bills are paid can only save about $1000 a year. Then there's the getting out of the car 140 times a nite with only xmas off. Fun eh? And i'm expected to make groundbreaking experimental music to get out of the hole.

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