Pro tip: Take upgrade package off AK Rain

I flat out refused to obtain Upgrade Package because it meant spending actual lapis on a KP unit. I'd rather have quit the game than do that.
Furthermore, it was a unit with a much shittier sprite than the both free KP units, which is downright bizarre. Yeah sure they allowed those other folks to design the sprite, but they really should have touched it up afterwards, to drag it back up to FFBE's high spritework standards.

But of course, if you look at the whale sheet, Upgrade Package (often two of them) is BIS for a load of meta units.
Not being able to (eventually) attain the BIS for so many units is also something that makes me want to quit, so it ended up being a lose-lose situation for me. We'll see if I last until powercreep makes Upgrade Package obsolete some time faaaar in the future.

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