ProxyHam: New device provides secure and anonymous Wi-Fi with a range of 2.5 miles

Why though? I imagine a lot of people would do this.. they could have a central repository of civil projects than people could look up and participate in.. I could volunteer to help build a playground or help clean a city square, help demolish a building or run a maintenance protocol on a self-automated solar array that only needs panels replaced and screens cleaned every 3 months and requires no skill.. maybe I'll respond to a request from a scientist for a project that will help improve the efficiency of a rural community farm's central irrigation system and then head out and implement the solution with them.

Maybe through physical strength and mental fortitude I could join a small team of people who's sole purpose in life is to improve the lives of others and our civilization.

Maybe this repository could award medals or achievements and my resume will be a collection of ways in which I have shown I am decent member of society, vested in making the global community a better place, increasing my chances of working on interesting and rewarding projects.

Maybe there will be free accommodation and meals for people like myself.

Maybe I'll be a more qualified person's apprentice and assist them in projects they choose on a much larger scale project and if I lack the education or ability to achieve the very clearly defined goals given to me, I'll be easily replaced and free to find something more suitable.

Maybe my abilities will be so easily quantified that my success in a project will be guaranteed and maybe if I am completely useless at everything I ever set out to do, I will just be allowed to be left alone and do whatever I want so long as it doesn't impede the progress of others.

Maybe, because I don't have to worry about money, and didn't have to do much to earn it, I won't care so much about buying things that are of absolutely no use to me other than to show others that I have money.

And then maybe, after I have spent my time doing all of this, I will meet someone I like enough to start a family and will concentrate all my efforts on educating my children and passing on the skills and knowledge necessary to give them every advantage to do well in life and for others.

Maybe it's OK for people to do this, maybe everyone else just continues to go about their jobs and accumulate their wealth just they do do right now.

The only difference being that they show up to work with the peace of mind that it is their choice and it isn't necessary for their survival and if it harms their health or doesn't enrich their lives, nobody is forcing them to do it and they can happily stop without the judgement of others.

Millions of people with safety net trust fund interest accumulating investments built upon the blood sweat and tears of others already have this, it shouldn't be a luxury afforded only to the smart, lucky and greedy.

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