PSA Creating a free to play account right now will come with a free level 80 boost.

This sort of thing really highlights the lack of wisdom shown during GW2 development regarding many of the more traditional MMO concepts they picked up.

Having 80 levels and zones designed for various level range is a great idea... for about a year and for a first character. Then it's just a slog through largely empty zones to get get to the level cap so you can play with friends.

They even recognised that these features were terrible and tried to implement a buddy system that would up/down level you to the content of the zone.

Now, four years later, it's just a barrier for picking up new players, so you have to hand out max level boosts so they can jump into the new content as soon as possible. This further damages the population - and purpose - of mid-level zones (the exact same thing happened in GW:Prophecies, which had a longer levelling curve).

In GW:Factions and GW:Nightfall you're max level in just a few hours of what is essentially the prologue and tutorial content. It's not perfect but it achieves two things:

  • Trains new players up to at least a basic understanding of the game.

  • Allows friends to join in without slagging through the whole game again.

Once again we're looking at a problem in GW2 that they'd pretty much solved by Factions and Nightfall and just needed a bit of smoothing out with dynamic level adjusting etc.

For me the biggest 'regret' with GW2 is how they didn't build up from GW but tried to perfect WoW with a GWesque skin and ultimately it's brought them all manner of problems to fix later on.

/r/Guildwars2 Thread