Help me not end up like Andy from the 40y old virgin

Your parents' health problems have nothing to do with your dating life Well they kinda do as I have to help at home and additionally have the feeling of wasting time by going out as I think about it maybe being the last week or month before they're gone forever.

you should also learn the flipside to control your own I do in fact most of the time I avoid eye contact and keep a very neutral facial expression

And what is it you want to talk about or relate to? Find a club or take a class around that hobby or passion. All my interests are male dominant, the classes i take are 85-90% male populated, I would have to fake an interest in order to be able to talk to someone female and develop a connection of some sorts. Actually, the older you get the more opportunities and experience you can rack up with women. The thing is as I said above, statisticly speaking all the females one might find interesting enough would already be in a relationship in my age group. Which means I have two options left in reality and that is to either look for younger females or older ones. Thank you for your answer, I'll check out that charisma book the others I already did know about.

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