PSA: Don't let people use your grinder unsupervised

One of my roommates used to do this to our suitemate all the time. Story time boys.

Our suitemate (George) was an indica-preferenced ent and would pass out on the couch all the time with his grinder out. My roommate (Mike) would sneak into the living room at night when George was passed tf out and not only often take his kief but take pinches of grinded up bud as well.

Normally I mind my own business but one night I thought this was kind of fucked up. So I suggested George should keep a closer eye on his stuff and try to nap in his room instead of the living room. Well George did for a while but eventually went back to passing out in the living room some nights and the cycle continued.

Later after moving out one of my good frients from our smoking group (who had been Mike's roommate prior to me) told me Mike had stolen well over $200 worth of tree from the time he lived with him. After talking to some more friends I had over 3-4 buddies in our group who admitted at some point they knew Mike had snatched some bud from them without asking.

The final straw for me was when Mike got a pet without reporting it to our property management and got caught. Instead of paying the $100 fine for it, he didn't tell anyone and everybody who signed the lease lost $200 from our deposits.

Cut him out of my life after moving, told him off for being a scumbag and have been genuinely happier not having to deal with the kid anymore.

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