psychedelic poem

Love it. Weird that just yesterday I started this, and I never write poems, now I see yours. Synchronicity

Where we have been, where we are going, that we don’t know.

Be here in the now, take a deep breath and go with the flow.

Let time pass you by, don’t count the seconds, minutes, hours.

Lay back in the grass and take a big whiff of the flowers.

The hustle and bustle is but a distraction.

Pause and look inward to discover the action.

Shut down the devices, glance away from the screen.

Put aside your vices, and float down the stream.

We’re all together, whether we like it or not.

Unified we’ll weather, divided we’ll rot.

Perception is everything, truth is beholden.

In the right light, a foil crown can be golden.

Learn and grow, let’s get back to the flow.

Kindness and compassion are the way to go.

/r/LSD Thread