Q&A with Edward Snowden from the Amnesty International UK Human Rights Action Centre and Russia [06-03-2015] 48min

The future of the united states is complete surveillance over every citizen. No use pissing and moaning about it, it's on its way, the elephant is in the china shop, and the rest of the expensive dishes are going to get knocked over.

What does it mean? Your dental records, your insurance policy, your health records, your search queries, your domestic and especially overseas phone calls. Your offline and online purchases. When time you get up. Your legal documents. And if they can get it, the contents of your computer. They would take the very thoughts out of your head if they could. The only thing preventing that is the physical impossibility. When neural interfaces become a thing, you can be certain that the government is going to monitor that too.

So that's that world we are rapidly approaching.

But imagine the bright side of all this. This would mean that locks on doors would be silly. You could share what you had with your friends, knowing full well that corruption and theft couldn't happen, and if it did, it could be immediately tracked down and returned to you. You could share your cars, we could share the bank accounts knowing for certain that our funds were being used in good faith.

Once we can unify all religions, church and state, into the government, and create a single body of all humans marked with the right to be citizens of that state. It might be the one shot at a Utopia. A world where people are not evil, they don't have evil thoughts and they don't do evil things because nobody wants to go to jail or be demoted to the more restrictive environments.

Maybe we are looking at this wrong, this is the time for Communism, Socialism, and the unification of church, state, and public to join together as one single entity. Ushering in the 3rd renaissance. Where we nearly eliminate poverty and suffering from all humans.

More surveillance. Complete surveillance. I want the state to see everything about everyone. 90% of the problems of a civilization might disappear if it's well formed. Everyone can join one loving family that sees to all our needs.

That loving time in the past, where we all felt safe in the arms of our mothers, where we could relax knowing all was going to be OK. We could get that again, exception on a national level. A first shot at a complete utopia.

/r/lectures Thread Link - youtube.com