Quad soreness - is this normal?!?

It sounds like you’re quad dominant. I would focus on activation of your glut max with especially running.

Squats, dead lifts etc are great for big multi muscle exercises. Unfortunately most people still rely on their quads if they are quad dominant. You’ll just reinforce this pattern if you don’t fix your motor control first.

I would add these exercises first with a focus on glut activation without activation of TFL. Prone hip extension with a bent knee (almost impossible not to turn your glut max on) side lying hip external rotation (google it), fire hydrants, donkey kicks, I love bird dogs with a focus on not rotating and staying in a single plane.

The key is to work on activating your glut max without your TFL. This can be a lot easier said than done.

Also an alternative differential is that you may just be over training. Are you giving yourself rest weeks 1 week out of a 4 week cycle? Are you following a periodized plan?

If you can’t figure this out on your own go see a sports med PT that can help you figure this out. Sometimes you need a pro to prevent injury.

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