Hit a wall due to lack of muscle strength

That’s why you don’t get faster. All the lifting in the world won’t change that.

You pretty much got it all wrong. If I were you I would increase running to three runs. One long and slow run (1hour+). And the two others just shorter runs (0.5 hour). On the bike I would go for two longer endurance rides. Swimming I would cut down to one. Nice and easy lanes in the pool. Mostly for technique.

As you are a beginner I would work on that schedule until you are good to spend 7-10 hours a week training without burning out.

Once your stamina is there you can worry about getting faster. At that point you add intensity to the equation. Like threshold and VO2 work on the bike. Or intervals and VO2 efforts on the track. Dito for swimming. Though you will likely only work on one discipline at a time.

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