Quantum entanglement and faster than light communication.

When do you learn what questions are beyond the scope of physics? If I asked you can physics tell whether someone is living under the ocean would that also be out of the realm of physics or is it because in a computer simulation, the universes would be controlled by an outside source and you assume this would be out of our realm of detection and thus a meaningless question like the "God" question. You can never detect God because science doesn't apply to God. I don't agree with your assessment, you're one of many physicist that throughout history claim X is impossible to prove or disprove. It may be possible to disprove this theory, it may not.

I asked the question because the only time I've seen behavior like this is in a video game. I decided to ask the brightest minds and you quite deliberately asked me to ask our dumbest as an insult to me, you hid it well by including philosophy but you essentially implied that I want the theory to be right and so maybe I should ask someone who will debate (the philosophy example) or agree with me (the religious example). An insult is an insult. Now this is the part where you try to tell me that you honestly thought the question would be more appropriate there, blah blah blah. I'm an atheist and I'm 100% agnostic about the simulation hypothesis but there are physicist who study and attempt to test this theory so why would I ask the question on a religious forum. You're essentially saying "Haha, what a stupid question, why don't you go ask your stupid friends". Actually, physicist who are more accomplished than an undergraduate have and are testing this theory, Silas R. Beane, Zohreh Davoudi, Martin J. Savage. Here is one such example, wrong or right so take your passive agressive attack and shove it up your pompous ass.

Silas Beane of the University of New Hampshire, who collaborated while at the UW’s Institute for Nuclear Theory, and Zohreh Davoudi, a UW physics graduate student, suggest that the signature could show up as a limitation in the energy of cosmic rays.

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