Granny is my new hero!

This is the Campbell River, B.C. Walmart. The same Walmart where a security guard was stabbed in the neck two or so months ago trying to stop someone from stealing a/multiple TVs from the electronics section. There was blood everywhere. Thank goodness they survived. Police eventually caught the guy who stabbed them, and then released him?! I guess thats why there are so many low lifes in the town that keep doing this shit. Commit petty crime and theft(and downright attempted murder), get caught, get a slap on the wrist, go back out on the street, and repeat.

This is also the same Walmart that had its Toilet Paper section lit on fire by another lunatic many months ago.

This Walmart and part of town is a shithole, and honestly, I avoid it if its at all possible. The whole downtown and campbellton area is like this now.

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