Question about Songhai

Songhai plays pretty diffently from other classes in that it often forsakes board control (perhaps not the case for less optimized decks) in favor of having crazy out of hand damage through certain card combos, allowing the player to deal high amounts of burst or swing the board all of a sudden. It's a very fun combo based class that can steal wins out of nowhere but defiantly takes a little time to get used to playing.

The basic deck kind of sucks, but you can easily make a decent one once you reach level 10 and unlock all the basic cards. The core of most Songhai decks focus around three cards - Inner Focus, Saberspine Seal, and Mist Dragon Seal. Using these cards combined with minions such as Charki Avatar, Scarlett Viper or Gore Horn allow for high amounts of burst (especially in lower ranks where people usually don't play around backstab by placing a minion directly behind their general). Using them with frenzy minions such as Praying Mantis or Sword of Mechazor also allows you to quickly regain board control if the opponent doesn't position around frenzy. Killing Edge is another cheap craft that adds plenty of burst to the deck, and is especially potent when combined with a cheap ranged minion such as Heartseeker or a Mini-Jax from Jaxi to create a very annoying 5/3 ranged that can single handedly win the game if your opponent has no answers. Another route that you can opt for is to go for a mech deck featuring Ancestral Divination to quickly refill your hand and find the pears that you need.

All in all, it's very possible to make a decent Songhai deck with mostly basics and commons that would carry you to at least gold with good play. Getting to diamond or S-rank will probably require some stronger cards though.

/r/duelyst Thread