Design Space for Certain Generals

You make good points. It is tricky to balance the game around two modes. I suppose I wouldnt mind as much if there were more than two generals, so if you play magmar you dont have to auto pick vaath. I think kaleos, while weaker than reva on average, can have a deck that fits his niche surprisngly more often than not in Gauntlet, its not just about backstab minions as blink can be very annying in some ways. But again, I dont mind that generals wont be balanced in gauntlet cause i know its difficult without making some mechanics act differently in each mode which is complex. I just think more generals are needed to create variety.

What i agree with you most is limitations on printing some cards due to some bloodborn spells namely Lyonar. Its not about Lyonar BBS's being too strong compared to others but its the fact they have many synergies which could prevent some cards in the future.

The solutions i feel, without reworking mechanics, is to make conditional balancing. What i mean by that is some abilities should only be applied if certain condition is met (for example roar gives rush or ranged minions only one damage, certain abilities can only be triggered a limited amount of time so some combos dont immediately spiral out of control if not dispelled immediately, some buffs can only be applied to some minions...etc). The problem with this type of balance is that its not elegant and complicated things for players and for devs when they want to change something. Currently the game has a few too many ways to gain infinite value if no immediate answer is available.

/r/duelyst Thread