Question from a non-Indian about the want to be with an Indian

Tbh I am Indian American and I'm super open to dating Indians from India, but they would have to be pretty Americanized/westernized in some ways. Like accents don't bother me but going to college in America is probably a must just so that we have that shared experience. On the other hand, I went to an elite college with a large international student population and I found that the Indians from India didn't really fraternize with the American Indians... I didn't know if it was because they just prefer to stick to their own or sometimes I just felt they thought they were better than us [a lot of the ones that come to America are super elite]. Lastly and perhaps most importantly, I dated someone from India that I really liked for a short period of time, but he wanted to go back to India eventually to be with his family, so that was another reason things wouldn't have worked out. As someone who grew up in the US I can't really fathom living in India and if I worked there, I'd make pennies compared to what I make here.

/r/IndianMatchmaking Thread