Sima from Mumbai, maybe your matchmaking success is so low (almost 0%) because you only give your clients 60 to 70% of what they want.

tbh 'believe' is a topic I can give a lecture about lol.

I have a lot to say about things that are ephemeral and non scientific and we still believe in them and we should.

Let's start with the simplest one. We believe in timezones and 24 hours in a day ( scientifically inaccurate that we 'calculate' time based on heavenly bodies. What is the time on Moon then? )

We believe in finding someone on a 'dating app'. We gave hopes and dreams that we believe in. Is it worth to ONLY believe in things that are scientifically accurate? If yes, then how you plan your calendar without believing in made up months? ( made by ancient Babylonian astrologers ).

Lastly, I am an AI scientist. It's casual to 'predict' what you like from your instagram activity and then generate your 'Discover' tab on Instagram. Some things we get right and you REALLy do like those posts and sometimes we don't. This has been calculated from your activity plus a myraid of other factors I won't give out. Does that mean AI is false because we have so many posts in your discover that you don't love or wanted to look at?

Let me make this more complex now lol. How would you know that a prediction was correct unless you have visited all possible future? ( Quantum Mechanics. This is science saying that there are multiple futures )

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