Questions about Lainey

Your daughter sounds very like mine!

My daughter is roughly 2 months younger than Lainey. She is in 3rd year in secondary school (Ireland). Her afterschool time is filled with an all girls social club, Thai kickboxing, swimming / lifeguard training, socialising with her boyfriend and school buddies either in real time or on Snapchat/Instagram/WhatsApp. Her phone is an extension of her body! Literally all the teens around here are variations of her.

I know my daughter would combust with fury if I took photos/videos of her to post online for random folk to comment on.

Kelle's social media portrays Lainey as a docile teen happy to stay home and play with her siblings. I really hope L has school friends and a social life that's off limits to public scrutiny, but after following Kelle for over a decade, I'm not too optimistic.

The poor kid.

/r/KelleHamptonSnark Thread