Questions about Novel Writing

But I am not closed off to your comment? I am considering your advice, everyone's advice. I labeled the post as discussion, because I like to talk about these things, it helps me. I only mentioned school awards and such, because you claimed that you think that I'm not a writer, and that's fine, I just wanted to show you that I believe I am. I was not trying to jerk myself off, or to sound rude in anyway. You may not care about my words -- but I do care about your words/opinions/suggestions, even if I disagree with some points you've made, I only commented to be honest, and wanted an honest discussion. Regardless, I learn from everyone's comments.

The artist stereotypes or whatever you want to call it does exist, I guess, but you're right, that not every artist is like that. I shouldn't of had said that. And because of you, I know that I've made an error. I just don't understand why suicide/depression has lead to such great works. Like, Hemingway is considered a great writer - suicide. David Foster Wallace - great writer - suicide. The list goes on... Does suicide make the readers perceive their work as great/legendary, somehow? I've always read their works and have wondered if that is the case.

I just have no fucking friends to talk too about literature or my writing. I was hoping my questions would seem interesting, to spark some conversation, too. I want to learn from people, as I hope people could learn from me as well. I'll delete this post later tonight when I get home -- as well as my novel. I seriously just feel fucking worthless every time I try to interact with someone. Yeah, I'll go back to my 'paid' therapy sessions, sit there and waste my life away as everyone around me lives normally. I'll be put on more medicine. I'll be referred to hundreds of doctors in my area, like always. I'm just finished now. Sorry for wasting your time. There is no point.

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