Don’t you hate when you accidentally slam on the gas instead of the brakes?

One of my ex's got ran over by an old woman that did exactly this. She was watching an event at her local beach stood next to a metal railing when an old lady crushed her into it with her car. Apparently the car was an automatic and the old woman wanted to go forwards, put it in reverse by accident then panicked when the car went the wrong way and slammed her foot down. Proper messed her up, her parents were told she wouldn't make it at one point.

I also went out with a girl that got ran over by an ice cream truck twice, I shit you not. And both girlfriends were also born on the exact same day. Made it easy for me to remember the second one's birthday after being with the first for 6 years but then when I heard the second had also been ran over I thought it was a crazy coincidence.

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