Quick course on warband leading?

I was thrown wb lead when the previous one quit the game. it's been pretty successful so far as we have pretty active players.

  • arrange a fixed time to do wb raids for the twice-weekly reset. for my wb I arranged 8pm mon & thurs. send reminders in wb chat and ask for those who can't make it to speak up in wb chat too - so that it is transparent and you can start on time

for the 8pm scheduled raids I arrange. if anyone did not make it I leave it up to them to arrange their own

  • fix a time for normal defence. try to get as many people on for this as it's a guaranteed legendary item. I do this at 8pm Thursday before wb raids

  • people generally dislike doing purge the depths. some enjoy endless defence but some find it a waste of time or don't want to do it regularly. don't make these compulsory or pressure ur members to do it as there are already enough daily tasks

  • kick members who are inactive for a period of time. for me we only had one such member who we could not contact. I kicked him after 10 days.

/r/DiabloImmortal Thread